Shimini Atseres and Simchat Torah celebration at the CTC

Shmini Atseres & Simchat Torah Schedule:
Shmini Atseres – Sunday night September 30th
Candle Lighting: 6:50
Mincha followed by Maariv: 7:00
Monday October 1st: 
Shacharit:  9:00 a.m.
Yizkor: Not before 10:30
Simchat Torah: Monday night & Tuesday 10/1 & 2
Candle lighting: Not before 7:55 p.m.
Mincha: 7:00 followed by Maariv & Simchas Torah dancing at CTC. Bring your dancing shoes and lots of spirit.
Tuesday 10/2 Shacharit/ morning services 9:00 a.m. followed by dancing with the TorahTorah reading, special kids Aliyah, and more.