You had fun last year and the year before?
Came home with delicious Challah?
Looking for an intimate Challah bake experience?
Join W.O.W and discover new tips, explore beautiful traditions and share in the fun with others.
Come home with two round Challahs, new friends and memories.
Cost is an $18 donation.
WOW! events and education are open to all Jewish women and teens. No affiliation or membership is necessary.
Bring a friend! Perfect outing for Mothers and Daughters too!
REGISTRATION A MUST by September 10th and enter a raffle for a VIP ticket to ‘Up the Down Escalator: maximizing greatness’ with Adrienne Gold. Details for Sara’s Challah sale to be coming in the next few weeks. You loved it last year, you love it again this year.
For information please email